Sunday 29 April 2012

Two months in two minutes.......where has it gone ?

Memories of two months past
Memories of two months past
Memories of two months past I wake every morning with the dreaded feeling that I have yet again forgotten the blog, I feel so sorry that weeks have gone by, in fact months now have gone by, our Paris visit in five minutes, the vernissage has come and gone in Lacoste, I have been to Glasgow as external examiner and now we are ensconsed back in Savannah realising we are half way through the term and where have those days,weeks and months gone? Friends have sadly died, babies have been born and somehow the world moves on taking us all on its merry go round of time. I am trying to relish moments more carefully, I sit and watch it as an onlooker from a distance, it immediately becomes a memory yet how do I hold on to it ?  We wait so long for these experiences , we build them up, we have such excitement in the contemplation ,  what we will do?  how we will celebrate  ? the expectation is everything. When it arrives it's gone in a blink of an eye. Is this why we love films so much, we can just re run them and hold on to that precious fix of time. Its why I love my sketch books , my visual reminders which transcend the camera.