We have slowly or rather too quickly as Mike told me today added furniture to our abode to make it a little bit more cosy.
Emily reminded me when we spoke today Mum you do have a home here and stop ! its only a week ...... she's right but I know that wherever I have travelled the world I have a habit of wanting to turn anything into something homely, flowers from the hedgerow, scarves as throws to hide the furniture and propping up postcards as pictures , memories of being in a sandpit as a child of six and dividing it up into rooms and then building furniture must indicate something significant ! Saying this I am reminded just how wonderful children can be, as we left Gatwick Emily handed us a card and told us not to open it then, we read it on the aeroplane tears streaming down our cheeks together, $40.00 inside to buy flowers for our new home as a home is not home with out them. I share with you her thoughts which I am sure she will not mind, that what we are doing is the wrong way round and we should not be the ones flying the nest but her ! But as she said "its time for this little blackbird to grow a few more feathers in her wings and to stand on her shaky legs" I know she will and has with out realising it.
Some may know the story of how we come to be here but we owe it to Emily, we were this time last year in Paris celebrating Lyndsay Birds special birthday and whilst staying in the Hotel Latin we watched a rather well behaved set of students reporting for duty , we chatted and discovered they were from Savannah School of Art and Design and we have to say a great credit to their institution, I had a long time ago been approached by them and never followed it up, it stayed in my mind as unfinished business. Emily searching for jobs clicked on a link mistakenly and found the post I have and emailed it to me, with the message " Mum this is your job" and the rest is history..............
She included this poem with the comment one year on, the dream that was is reality
Proud Songsters by Thomas Hardy
The thrushes sing as the sun is going,
And the finches whistle in ones and pairs,
And as it gets dark loud nightingales
In bushes
Pipe, as they can when April wears,
As if all the time were theirs.
These are the brand new birds of twelve months growing
which a year ago, or less than twain
no finches were, nor nightingales,
nor thrushes,
But only particles of grain,
And earth, and air, and rain
Are we supposed to be vocal about our admiration for our children I hope so...................
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